Sony has recently gave a hint that the new PlayStation console, (PS4) is on its way and we can expect it next by E3. No specific details but it is promised to have graphics that make it hard to distinguish them from real life. They also added new technology that can support unlimited particles and no texture limits. This is a big break through in technology that can effect gaming for ever. Ram will be increased by 4 times and proccesing power will be raised 10 times the PS3.
No word has been released on the names but a ton of rumors have it that the play station will be called "PlayStation Orbit" or "Orbis", Sony will not go with PlayStation 4. as they did with the PlayStation 3.
Sony also announce that online will be free and "lag free". New technology for servers can make this possible. Sony promised that the new console will be released before the next xbox and will truly be the next generation in gaming. This console will come in 2 colors, white and black. No word has been announced about the controller but im sure it will be much different than the PS3 dualshock.
Prices for the new PlayStation 4 will be high but not wallet killing high. Rumors are saying $399-$499
for launch. It may also include a game on launch but we will have to wait to hear news games for this console.
Most likely, this new PlayStation will have all backwards compatibility. You will be able to play PlayStation 1 games, PlayStation 2 games, and PlayStation 3 games. Also Sony released that this ps3 will have a 600 GB hard drive and will allow downloadable games directly from the Sony Store. Your PlayStation Plus accounts will not be forgotten in this launch. Users that have a subscription will be able to get 1 free downloadable game on launch date.
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