Monday, April 16, 2012

BlackBerry Developing most SECURE device

Within the last 10 months, RIM (The creators of BlackBerry) has been slowly dropping in major sales causing the company to be declared "dying".

To make a comeback, BlackBerry recently released feed of them developing the "most secure device ever".
RIM went on speaking about the features that allowed facial recognition and finger print locks. Many claim this new BlackBerry will have a whole new resigned OS that hasn't been seen in previous versions.

The buyers for this product will most likely be higher up people in business or government.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Tsunami in Indonesia [Wave Video]

 As you know recently Indonesia was hit by an 8.2-magnitude earthquake. HERE is the link.
 The earthquake seem to create an after shock that was threatening a tsunami within 2 days the tsunami arrived.

The video above is from a tourist that was visiting
Indonesia, he was the only bystander there with a camera at the time.

The wave was approximately 75 ft and wiped out the whole beach area within a mile. no one was killed. A few were injured and taken to hospital

Overall great video and great courage to stand there and record this.

We rate this video 7/10


Friday, April 13, 2012

EA Stealing Game Ideas...

For the past 3 years EA has been working there ass off releasing new games every week.
Recently EA has apparently ran out of ideas to create original games.
With solid proof of this, The only thing you can say is EA STOLE THIS IDEA.

EA stole the idea from BioWare`s Command and Conquer.
There is likely to be a lawsuit over this against EA. I guess they knew what they were doing, EA is a multi-million dollar organization, there is no way they can be that dumb...

Take a Look at the picture.


Thursday, April 12, 2012

Helicopter crash dash cam

While filming the show "Top Gear" something really unexpected happened.

The Helicopter that was used for filming the stunt crashed, no one was seriously injured.
The reason the helicopter went down is because the engine's power died.
This was filmed on the UK show unlike the US show, it wouldn't show this footage.

There were lots of comments on this video referencing battlefield 3, which is a first person shooting video game. Comments such ass "Driver must have inverted controls on" and "maybe the servers glitched"

The dash cam was stable enough to see all the little details which is always good when there is a crash, I'm guessing it was filmed with a GoPro.

We rate this video 7.5/10


Tuesday, April 10, 2012


If you had the guts to watch this...good for you.
this idiot was payed to drink his puke, mixed with a couple other ingredients.

He did this because of a dare he told in the description. This video started spreading quick and now on Liveleak and WSHP (world star hip hop)

As the video increases in views, humanity decreases, That is a fact.
Soon these guys will be on there way to a cooking show on Lifetime called. "Afternoon soup" with guest star Paula Dean.

Remember kids go to college.

We rate this video a 4/10
